Most people distinguish between external and internal martial arts and think that they are separate. They are not. Both the internal and the external elements have to be practised together. The hardest combination is that of “Xin” and “yi”. “Xin” is known as the heart, “Yi” is known as intent/mind.
Liu He means the combination of six sections of the body, of which 3 are external and 3 are internal. When the six sections of the body are combined, including the Xin Yi, limitless power can be developed in the body.
The three external combinations
There are three combinations: feet and hands, knee and elbow and waist and shoulder.
Training in traditional Shaolin movements, one learns how to incorporate the three sections of the body and, through constant practice, learns how to set them in motion as a seamless whole. It then becomes difficult for an opponent to win. Through practising the physical aspects of training and maintaining a vegetarian diet, one builds and stores more Qi within the body, and will thus be ready for internal training.
The three internal combinations
There are three combinations: Xin (Mind) and Yi (Intent), Yi and Qi (Energy) and Qi and Li (Power).
The most important aspect of internal training is one's mind and intention. One's intention must be combined with the Qi and focused on each movement. Qi-gong is the art of breathing and the majority of people who have read about Qi-gong will know that many theories are similar. However, the methods of practice may vary.
Normally peoples’ breathing is never fully completed, but the practice of deep breathing through the Dantian, your lower abdomen, can achieve this. Your breathing can then guide more oxygen to every organ and nerves, which activates the nerves to be more sensitive. The immune system is consequently made stronger and more resistant to viruses and illness and the body can generate more internal energy. This is how some people who practice Qi-gong are able to cure their illness themselves when conventional medicine has failed.
In traditional Shaolin training, there are some advanced methods and forms for internal training such as Yi Jin Jing and Xi Sui Jing. These forms enable one to manipulate the Qi and produce more physical power in fighting movements. The movements are led by the mind. Only when the mind is purified and combined with intent, can it control the Qi to flow through all the nerves smoothly and utilise the power generated through the Qi in one’s movements. To achieve this power, your Mind, Intention, Qi and Power must be well combined.
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